Al-Jazeera website defaced by pro-Syrian hackers

Al-Jazeera website defaced by pro-Syrian hackers
Al-Jazeera website defaced by pro-Syrian hackers
The official website of Arabic news network "Al-Jazeera" got hacked by Pro-Syrian Hackers.

The message on defacement was  "This is in response to your position against the people and government of Syria, especially your support of the armed terrorist groups and spreading false fabricated news."

Check the defacement page here

A group calling itself al-Rashedon is claiming responsibility for the most recent al-Jazeera attack.A statement from al-Jazeera confirmed that the issue was "quickly resolved". The website is now operating normally.

The group called "Syrian Electronic Army (SEA)" hacked the English website of news organisation in February 2012. Back in July the same group gained access over the news network's Twitter account and started posting stories denouncing opposition fighters.
The SEA has also targeted Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya News and the Harvard University website.

The Saudi Government has also thrown their support against this group.
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