Install Whats App on PC:
Whats App is an application which provides you the facility to send free SMS to your friends and phone contacts.
Someone asked me about How to download and install Whats App on your computer or laptop for free?
Here is the way to do it.
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1. The first thing which you need to do is download and install Bluestack Application from
2. We proceed To install BlueStacks. Welcome screen will appear then we press the button that appears on the low right part called Continue.
3. then will appear an install button. We click it.
After these 3 steps BlueStack will execute and we will proceed to install WhatsApp
1. On the right top corner there will be a search icon. Click on that and type Whats App and hit search. Later it will ask you to download and install and that way you need to install Whats App on Blue Stack.
2. Now go to My Apps, you will find Whats App there... now we will configure it.
Follow these steps to configure WhatsApp for PC
1. In YOUR COUNTRY you must select your country.
2. Then in YOUR COUNTRY CODE AND PHONE NUMBER check that the code of your country is the right one and in the following field write your telephone number.
3. Now click on the button OK and a window will appear where it says that the number will be verified sending an SMS to the mobile number that you wrote.
4. In a few minutes you will receive a 3 digits number that you will have to write in the check case..
5. After your number there been checked will request your user's name.
You already have whatsApp! In your computer. You already can add contacts eliminate or modify like you want.
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Install Whats App On PC/Computer/Laptop/Desktop with Bluestack |