How to track your website/blog page views with Google Analytics


If you're running a website or blog, tracking your page views is an important step in growing your audience. It's also easy to do with Google Analytics: just create an account and property, then get the tracking code on your website/blog when you're ready. This guide will walk through each step for setting up a Google Analytics account and getting tracking code installed on your pages so that we can see how many people are coming to our pages each month!

Step 1 - Create a Google Analytics Account

To begin, you'll need to create a Google Analytics account. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • Go directly to Google Analytics ( and click "Create Account." You'll have to verify your website or blog before it shows up on their dashboard, but once that's complete, you're all set!
  • Ask someone else who knows how to log into their own Google Analytics account if they'd mind helping out with this task for you (or just go find somebody who lives close by).

Step 2 - Create a Property

To create a property, you need to click on the "+ Add Property" button. After that, you'll be prompted for some details about your new property.

  • Name: This is the name of your property. It should be unique and descriptive of what your blog or website covers (e.g., "Blog").
  • Email Address: You will use this email address when sending newsletters from Google Analytics to notify users about changes made on their accounts with Google Analytics (e.g., if there are any new features coming soon). Make sure this address is valid so that people can send messages to you! Otherwise they won't know who owns their account information anymore since we don't send notifications via email anymore after updating our API endpoint last year due

Step 3 - Get Tracking Code

Now that you've got the tracking code, it's time to get it working. First, make sure your website is built with the tracking code included in the header tag. If not, go ahead and add it now! Next, go to your site and look at the source code of any pages where you want to track page views (e.g., blog posts). Copy this code into a text editor on one of these pages so that when visitors load that page from Google Analytics later on, they will also have access to their own data in GA—no more "viewing" through Google Analytics' interface!

Step 4 - Install tracking code on your website/blog

Now you're ready to track your website/blog page views!

  • Go to the section of your site where you want to track.
  • Find the HTML code for that section and paste it into a text editor (like Notepad).
  • Save and publish the file (File > Publish).

Going through tracking your website/blog page views with Google Analytics is easy, and worth it. You'll want to do this as you grow your audience and revenue.

Tracking your website/blog page views is important, and you should do it regularly.

As you grow your audience and revenue, you'll want to keep track of how many people visit your site each month (and year), so that you can make sure everything is working properly. This is also useful for marketing purposes—if someone has visited more than once in a day or week, then there's good reason to send them an email!

You can find out exactly how many times someone has visited any given page by adding that URL into Google Analytics' URL tracking feature. For example: if someone visits my personal blog from their phone at lunchtime on Monday, I'd see this data appear within one hour: "visits"="2";


We hope this guide has been helpful in giving you the knowledge you need to get started with Google Analytics. You can find out more about how to track your website/blog page views by visiting our blog post here: How to Track Your Website/Blog Page Views With Google Analytics

Learn more about google analytics here

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