Why Google's layoff announcement is different from other companies

Google’s parent company Alphabet lately announced layoffs of 12,000 workers, which is about 6 percent of its pool, globally. 

After the advertisement, it joined the Big Tech league of Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft which had also gone for layoffs.

However, google has set a different precedence for tech companies by announcing the layoffs fairly upfront to not just the employees but by posting the news publicly on Google blog.

This shows how fair and transparent the company is and Sundar Pichai has set an example. 

In this post Google CEO Sundar Pichai also announced the severance bonus to employees to reduce the effect of this layoff. 

As per Google blog they will offer below to employees in US

  • Google will pay employees during the full notification period (minimum 60 days).
  • Google will also offer a severance package starting at 16 weeks salary plus two weeks for every additional year at Google, and accelerate at least 16 weeks of GSU vesting.
  • Google will pay 2022 bonuses and remaining vacation time.
  • Google will be offering 6 months of healthcare, job placement services, and immigration support for those affected.
  • Outside the US, we’ll support employees in line with local practices.

Sundar Pichai Said in his blog post

"I’m sure you have many questions about how we’ll move forward. We’ll be organizing a town hall on Monday. Check your calendar for details. Until then, please take good care of yourselves as you absorb this difficult news. As part of that, if you are just starting your work day, please feel free to work from home today."

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